Learn to skipper a sloop-rigged auxiliary powered (inboard or outboard engine) keelboat of approximately 25 feet (7.62 m) to 35 feet (10.67 m) long by day in moderate winds (up to 20 knots) and sea conditions.
ASA 103 Basic Coastal Cruising lessons build knowledge of cruising sailboat terminology, basic boat systems, auxiliary engine operation, docking procedures, intermediate sail trim, navigation rules, basic coastal navigation, anchoring, weather interpretation, boating safety, and seamanship.
Once you have completed the ASA 103 course, you will be qualified to join the SailTime membership program. The SailTime program gives you access to a larger boat to use throughout the season without the expense and commitment of buying your own boat. You will be able to sail a late model Beneteau or Hunter yacht all season long for less than the cost of the slip.